Allow No go zones to be applied to different areas

Allow No go zones to be applied to different areas

Once features like pathways and no go zones are mapped, they should be available to pick from in any future areas that are created.

I have mapped my yard in overlapping sections, mostly because the GPS drops and makes mapping a large area very frustrating. But I found the added benefit is if something happens and I have to stop the plan, I can create plans for different sections so I don't have to repeat the whole plan and can start in a different section. However when I do this, I have to remap existing/overlapping no go zones, create pathways (even though there is considerable overlap in sections) and new pathways to the charging station if I don't start with the original area. 

Opening up a list with the existing appropriate areas (+pathways & no go zones etc) to pick from would be super helpful, would even be a good place to have a 'deleted' section so that deleted things don't necessarily totally disappear.
