Can we get an explanation of how communication works?
I took some assumptions on how this was supposed to work. I thought I was hooking this base up with WiFi and the LORA/RTK setup so that Yarbo would use the LORA to communicate back to the base, and the base to the WiFi and that would keep us in constant communication with Yarbo. Currently I can't get Yarbo to do anything unless I am 5 feet from it with my phone and hooked to the rover hotspot and have the app in hotspot mode. Occasionally it shows up in my Home_IOT 2.4Ghz network I have created and connected both it and the base to and I've even gone to the trouble of installing an outdoor access point for it. Nonetheless I am still going outside in freezing cold temperatures to try and get this thing to do what it is supposed to be doing. It also has only successfully made it back to its charging base on its own 1 out of 9 attempts so far.. I keep having to go park it myself.