Enhanced Security Features: Safeguarding Your Yarbo Experience!

Enhanced Security Features: Safeguarding Your Yarbo Experience!

Dear Yarbo Family,

We're excited to share details about our upgraded anti-theft system, a feature many of you have expressed keen interest in. Given Yarbo's continuous exposure to the outdoors and its clear allure, it is essential that we delve into the specifics of this update.

  • Limited Authentication: Our current system ensures that only one designated app owner has access. The owner retains the authority to grant shared access to family members. As many of our users are aware, Yarbo can only be connected to one authenticated owner at a time. This stringent protocol prevents any unauthorized connection until the current owner disconnects.
  • GPS Tracking: Yarbo will come equipped with GPS tracking function which allow track the movements of Yarbo Lawn Mower. Unlike our 2023 Version main body, Yarbo Core 2024 maintains real-time GPS tracking even when powered off. This advancement is made possible by empowering the Power Button to support this function.
  • GeoFence: Our app development roadmap includes a GeoFence feature, acting as a virtual fence that triggers an alarm if the mower exits the designated area. Users will have the flexibility to adjust GeoFence settings according to their preferences via Yarbo App. Modifying the radius of the GeoFence alters the covered area. Additionally, if the GeoFence area is expanded, Yarbo will require an extended period outside the fence before triggering an alarm.
  • Visual Monitoring: We're actively developing the Visual Monitoring feature, utilizing various modules. Leveraging all front and side cameras on the module, users will have access to real-time yard status playback recordings. This functionality enables smart management of your yard directly through the Yarbo App.

We're thrilled to roll out these enhancements, ensuring greater security and peace of mind for our Yarbo community. Stay tuned for further updates and continued innovations!