Exciting Progress Update on the M1: Moving Towards Small Batch Production and Testing!

Exciting Progress Update on the M1: Moving Towards Small Batch Production and Testing!

Dear Yarbo Family, 

It's been a while since our last update on the M1, and as we approach the shipping date, we're thrilled to share the latest progress with you! A heartfelt thank you to Scott Grams and Steve Thibodeau, our dedicated PPP members who provided invaluable testing and feedback during the November 2023 on-site testing of Demo β2. Meanwhile, we must acknowledge encountering some issues that affected the M1's performance, indicating that Demo β2 isn't quite ready for the market yet.

In response to these challenges, we initiated Demo γ1, focusing on optimizing the Lawn Mower module. This phase took almost four months but was crucial in refining the M1 module. Below, you'll find a table detailing these improvements. Notably, the final design of the M1 has been altered from Demo γ1 for aesthetic reasons.

We're thrilled to move into the Small Batch Production and Testing phase. In parallel, our App Development, which started last August, is now 50% complete. You can look forward to more photos and videos in our community updates. Regarding the shipping date, we're still on track for the end of May.

We understand your eagerness to learn more about the details. With the significant changes we've made, we'll be providing weekly updates on M1's production progress from now on. Also, if there's a specific feature you're curious about, please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Stay tuned for more exciting news and updates as we work together to revolutionize yard maintenance this summer! ❤️