Latest update on the shipping (Nov.8, 2023)

Latest update on the shipping (Nov.8, 2023)

Dear Yarbo Family,
We've noticed that some points of clarification might be helpful following our recent battery tracking email. We'd like to provide more information about the overall shipping process, when you'll receive tracking information, and our approach to shipping our gift-set.
Our Shipping Process: As relayed in September, all units will first be delivered via container shipping (with the exception of a few Non-EU countries). They will then reach a regional distribution center and finally be couriered to your doorstep by trustworthy local carriers like FedEx and UPS. At this time, a tracking number will be issued to keep you updated. Typically, container shipping lasts from 1-1.5 months, with local delivery taking an additional 5-7 days. Given this schedule, you can anticipate receiving your Yarbo from late November up until Christmas.
Battery Shipping Details: If some of you have already received batteries, it's because we had stock available at our U.S. distribution center. These were sent out prioritizing our beta testers first, followed by backers' ID in various regions. Shipments of the battery are in progress, so expect to receive your tracking number even before your Yarbo unit!
Gift-Set Shipping: The gift-set is a token of our appreciation for our dedicated backers and beta testers. Two rounds of gift-set shipments have already been dispatched. We've accommodated many requests to update addresses, so if your gift set hasn't arrived yet, please email for assistance. She serves as the program director and will gladly offer the requisite support.
Lastly, we've initiated a final round of email confirmations for delivery addresses. It is important to verify this information to ensure smooth delivery and avoid possible issues.
Our dedicated team has been working tirelessly on our mass production and international shipping processes to enhance your overall experience with us. As we near the end of our shipping phase and feedback from our valuable Product Pioneer Program users trickles in, we remain committed to refining our product, and to delivering efficient and professional service.
Thank you for your patience and ongoing support! We can't wait for you to meet your Yarbo!