Hi all,
Just got to use my yarbo snowblower for the first time this past weekend (just got everything setup last week). It worked AMAZINGLY for the most part. When the yarbo attempted to go back to the dock for the recharge it kind of got stuck on the dock. I am not sure if it was something with the yarbo or my pathway or where I put the dock. Being new to using it, I am not sure how it goes back to the dock to recharge. Does it go up the dock in the forward position and turn around right on the dock? If so, I need to move my docking station forward a couple feet. Or is it supposed to get to dock, turn around while off the dock and then back on to the dock, like how it does when you install the docking station?
I attached an image of how it got stuck on the docking station. It seemed like it was attempting to turn around while on the docking station instead of backing on to it.
Thanks in advance!