Version Details
App Version
- Description: Displays the current app version for troubleshooting.
- Notes: Shows the version number in numeric format.
Firmware Version
- Description: Displays the firmware version of the device.
- Shows the version when connected.
- Displays empty if not connected.
Hardware Head
- Description: Displays the hardware version of the device’s head component.
- Shows the version when connected.
- Displays empty if not connected.
Hardware Body
- Description: Displays the hardware version of the device’s body component.
- Shows the version when connected.
- Displays empty if not connected.
Camera Version (New)
- Description: Displays the firmware version of the camera.
- Shows the version when connected.
- Displays empty if not connected.
Camera MAC Address (New)
- Description: Displays the MAC address of the camera.
- Shows the MAC address when connected.
- Displays empty if not connected.

The Network module provides details about the network connection status, helping to evaluate connectivity and diagnose issues.
- Ping:
Used to test the network connection's availability and response time. It also helps evaluate network latency. The response time is displayed in milliseconds (e.g., 200ms).
- Heart Beat:
Checks the connection status between two devices or servers. Disconnected indicates the connection is not active, while Connected means the connection is normal.
- Local Server:
Indicates whether the app's local server is connected. A value of 0 means disconnected, and 1 means connected.
- PRP (Plan, Recharge, Pause):
Displays the automatic scheduling status to improve efficiency. The status is represented as a numerical array in the format [0,0,0], where the values correspond to plan,
recharge, and pause respectively.
The Cellular module provides information about cellular connectivity, signal strength, and SIM card details to help monitor and diagnose network performance.
Displays the current 4G network status.
- 0: Not connected.
- -1: No data displayed if the device is disconnected.
RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator):
Indicates the received signal strength, commonly used to evaluate cellular signal quality.
- Range: -120 dBm (very weak) to 0 dBm (very strong).
- -1: No data displayed if the device is disconnected.
RSRQ (Reference Signal Received Quality):
Measures signal quality in LTE networks.
- Range: -20 dB (poor) to -3 dB (good).
: No data displayed if the device is disconnected.
CSQ (Signal Quality):
Indicates signal quality in GSM networks.
- Range: 0 to 31 (higher is better).
- 0: No signal or large error.
: No data displayed if the device is disconnected.
Displays the overall signal strength, including RSSI and other metrics.
- Range: -120 dBm (very weak) to 0 dBm (very strong).
- -1: No data displayed if the device is disconnected.
RSRP (Reference Signal Received Power):
Measures LTE signal power.
- Range:
-120 dBm
(very weak) to 0 dBm
(very strong). -1
: No data displayed if the device is disconnected.
Shows the current network technology code used by the device.
- Values: 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G.
- -1: No data displayed if the device is disconnected.
ICCID (Integrated Circuit Card Identifier):
Displays the unique SIM card identifier for the device.
- Typically 19–20 digits.
- If disconnected, no data is displayed.
ICCID Description:
Indicates if the current SIM card is an internal card.
- Displays "CN" for internal cards.
- Displays the ICCID directly for external cards.

The RTK module provides details on the real-time kinematic positioning system, including GPS data, satellite signals, and status information.
RTK Rover Information
Mode Base:
Indicates RTK data collection mode.
- False: Mode Base has NOT been performed
- True: Mode Base has been performed
- L2:
Displays the number of satellites capable of receiving and processing L2 GPS signal bands
Shows the current RTK status of the receiver.
- 4: Fixed position (RTK mode working properly).
- 5: Float position (RTK mode working but less accurate).
- Other values indicate various error or disconnection states.
Adjust Angle:
Indicates the alignment angle for positioning.
- 0: Normal alignment.
- Other values correspond to calibration or system errors.
Displays the device's current heading direction and provides orientation information.
- 1: Correct heading data.
- 2: Heading data is abnormal.
- Satellite:
Displays the number of available GPS or GNSS satellites being used for positioning.
Data Latency (Age):
Shows the delay (in seconds) in base data transmission to the rover, which affects positioning accuracy.
- Example: Age ≤15 seconds is typical.
- Rover GNGGA:
Displays detailed real-time positioning data such as latitude, longitude, height, and time.
- Server:
Indicates the server being used for RTK data communication.
- Multi:
Shows whether the rover is connected to multiple base stations or data centers for troubleshooting.
Provides the status of satellite signals (e.g., CNR) for diagnostics.
- External signals may include GPS, BDS (BeiDou), GLO (GLONASS), GAL (Galileo).
Data Center Information
- Data Center ssid:
Indicates the ssid of Data Center e.g.:DC_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Provides real-time base positioning data such as altitude, latitude, longitude, and other metrics.
(DC) Connection:
Shows the current connection path of the RTK base to ensure communication is stable.
- 0: Not connected.
- 2: Ntrip connection.
- 3: HaLow connection.
The Status module provides details about the device's operational state and automatic scheduling.
PRP (Plan, Recharge, Pause):
Indicates the status of automatic scheduling for improving efficiency and diagnosing internal scheduling issues.
The status is displayed as a numerical array in the format [0,0,0].
- The three values correspond to plan, recharge, and pause respectively.
Displays the current operational status of the device.
- The specific status codes and details can be found in the right-side documentation or additional references.
Main Information
The Main module provides details about the machine's operational parameters, including battery, CPU, memory, and motor statuses.
Battery Temp:
Displays the temperature of the battery to check if it is too low or too high.
- Data shown as a numerical value.
Battery Status:
Shows the current status of the battery.
- States include: Charging, Discharging, or Heating.
CPU Usage:
Displays the percentage of CPU currently in use.
- Data shown as a percentage.
: Indicates the device is not connected.
Memory Usage:
Shows the memory utilization percentage to diagnose potential issues.
- Data shown as a percentage.
: Indicates the device is not connected.
Disk Usage:
Displays the disk usage percentage for diagnosing storage-related issues like log file management.
- Data shown as a percentage.
Left Drive Motor:
Displays the current usage of the left drive motor to evaluate its performance.
- Data shown as a numerical value.
Right Drive Motor:
Shows the current usage of the right drive motor for performance assessment.
- Data shown as a numerical value.
Displays the current power usage of the auger (snow blower).
- Data shown as a numerical value.

The HaLow module provides details about the wireless HaLow connection, including the network name, connection status, and signal strength.
Displays the name(SSID) of the Data Center.
Shows the current connection status of the HaLow network.
- Possible states: true (connected) or false (not connected).
Indicates the signal strength of the HaLow connection.
- Data shown as a numerical value.
- Values closer to 0 represent stronger signals..
The Sensor module provides data from various sensors, including rain and ultrasonic sensors, to monitor environmental and operational parameters.
Rain Sensor:
- Description: Displays the value from the rain sensor.
- Usage: Indicates the amount of rain detected.
- Values are shown as numbers.
- Threshold: 1500.
- The more rain detected, the better the conductivity (lower resistance), resulting in smaller values.
Front Ultrasonic Sensor:
- Description: Displays the values from the front ultrasonic sensors.
- Usage: Used for distance measurement or obstacle detection.
- Notes: Values are shown as numbers.
Tail Ultrasonic Sensor:
- Description: Displays the values from the rear ultrasonic sensors.
- Usage: Used for distance measurement or obstacle detection.
- Notes: Values are shown as numbers.
The Camera module provides details about the camera's version, status, and MAC address for all camera modules (LC: Left Camera, RC: Right Camera, FC: Front Camera, BC: Back Camera).
- Description: Displays the version number of the camera firmware.
- Usage: Used to verify the camera's firmware version.
- Shown as a numerical value (e.g., V1.0.0).
- Description: Displays the current state of the camera.
- Usage: Helps determine the operational status of the camera.
- 0: Normal operation.
- 1: Disabled.
- 2: Camera disconnected.
- 3: Camera ping failed.
Additional explanation:
- If ping fails, it indicates the camera module is not reachable.
- Disconnection may occur after initial proper operation.
MAC Address: Displays the MAC address of the camera