FAQ for HaLow

FAQ for HaLow


We've noticed that there are issues with the rover's strategy during AP switches, particularly in areas with poor Wi-Fi coverage, which can lead to connection issues. We're working on updating our Wi-Fi switching strategy to ensure that, even in areas with weak signal, the app and machine can maintain their connection by attempting to use 4G during the Wi-Fi transition. But poor Wi-Fi coverage is still a problem that needs to be considered thoughtfully.
For users with exceptionally large yards, our R&D engineers have been exploring various solutions to hardware upgrades that could remain compatible with the hardware of the 2023 version machines. One potential solution involves adding a Wi-Fi receiver extender through a USB extender to the controller receiver. This solution is still undergoing reliability testing.

Here we introduce HaLow in our 2024 release to solve the problems above magnifically!

HaLow Technology, meticulously engineered to redefine connectivity standards in the realm of Internet of Things (IoT). Leveraging the cutting-edge IEEE 802.11ah protocol, colloquially known as HaLow, this innovative technology is specifically tailored to provide extended range, unparalleled power efficiency, and robust network capacity, making it great improvement for our yarbo.

What is HaLow

Why does HaLow work well in areas with poor Wi-Fi coverage or for users with exceptionally large yards?

To address the issue of frequent Access Point (AP) switching by the rover, we have introduced HaLow as our router for the rover to connect to.Furthermore The HaLow technology operates in the sub-1 GHz frequency band, offering significantly improved penetration through walls and other obstacles, resulting in an impressive communication range that surpasses conventional Wi-Fi systems. This extended range capability enables seamless device connectivity in large-scale yards.

Why does Halow has ultra-low power consumption than conventional Wi-Fi?

Target Wake Time, A feature introduced in HaLow, allows devices to schedule their communication times with the access point. This means devices can spend more time in sleep mode, conserving power, and only wake up to transmit or receive data at prearranged intervals. Because of its lower frequencies, Halow can cover larger areas with fewer access points. This reduces the overall network infrastructure and consequently decreases power usage throughout the system. So with its ultra-low power consumption, HaLow technology ensures durability and robustness for our data center usually known as base, drastically reducing maintenance requirements.

How does HaLow Technology address IoT network vulnerabilities and facilitate seamless upgrades for enhanced scalability and cybersecurity preparedness?

Embracing advanced security protocols, HaLow technology addresses concerns regarding vulnerabilities in IoT networks, providing a robust shield against potential cyber threats. Its compatibility with existing Wi-Fi infrastructure further simplifies integration, allowing businesses and consumers alike to seamlessly upgrade their IoT networks for enhanced scalability and future-readiness.
In summary, the HaLow technology represents a monumental leap forward in IoT(Internet of Things) hardware architecture, combining superior range, energy efficiency, high device density support, and robust security features. It's a testament to our commitment towards empowering the next generation of connected devices, fostering smarter, more sustainable, and interconnected ecosystems worldwide.

How Yarbo Core 2024 will improve network issues :

For Yarbo Core 2024, our most significant update is redesigning the base station to function as a data center.
The new data center is designed to be placed outdoors, with enhanced waterproofing and stronger network signal reception and transmission capabilities. It could acts as a router that can connect to the internet. Users can set the data center to AP/STA mode, allowing it to connect to Internet for transmitting RTCM positioning data and camera video stream data. We are also developing the capability to transmit video signals within a local network. Compared to the 2023 version base station, the data center significantly extending its coverage range. Lastly, for the LoRa module, we are exploring the use of Wi-Fi HaLow protocol to replace LoRa for transmitting RTK signals.

Regarding the core itself, we have re-planned the internal layout and wiring of the core, integrating multiple circuit boards into one to save space and allow for a more rational wiring arrangement. For the Wi-Fi antenna, we are extending it outside the core to stabilize signal reception and expand area coverage. Finally, we have upgraded to a better Wi-Fi module to further enhance stability. Currently, our team is testing the stability of this solution across multiple user scenarios and complex situations to ensure it covers various corner cases.