How to set parameter for pathway?

How to set parameter for pathway?

How to locate the pathway setting page?

  1. Access 'My Map' Page: Begin by clicking on the icon located in the upper-right corner, directing you to the 'My Map' page where you manage and customize your map settings.
  2. Enter Modification Mode: Click on 'Modify' to enter the modification mode. This mode will allow you to access various customization options.
  3. Locate the Pathway Section: Within the modification mode, click on the pathway section to reveal the list of available pathways.
  4. Select the Targeted Pathway: From the pathway list, choose the specific pathway you intend to adjust by clicking on it. 
  5. Access Pathway Setting: Once you have selected the pathway, locate the settings icon associated with that pathway. Click on the icon, and a toolbar will appear. From the toolbar, select 'Pathway Settings.' This action will navigate you to the dedicated Pathway Settings page.

What can you do with the pathway settings?

  1. Auger Speed Mode:
Function: Controls the auger speed with four distinct modes, Quiet, Mild, Robuts, and Turbo. This component is responsible for collecting and processing snow.
Description: Auger Speed Mode allows you to set the operating speed of the auger. Different snow conditions may require varying speeds for optimal performance. Choose the mode that best suits the current snow characteristics, ensuring effective snow removal.
Difference between four distinct modes:

  • Quiet Mode
Characteristics: Operates at a lower speed with reduced noise output.
Use Case: Ideal for situations where minimizing noise is a priority, such as in residential areas during early morning or late evening.
  • Mild Mode
Characteristics: A moderate speed setting, balancing performance and noise level.
Use Case: Suitable for typical snow conditions, providing a good compromise between efficiency and noise output.
  • Robust Mode
Characteristics: Runs at a higher speed for more aggressive snow removal.
Use Case: Effective for heavier snowfall or denser snow conditions, providing increased power and performance.
  • Turbo Mode
Characteristics: Maximal speed setting for the most demanding snow removal tasks.
Use Case: Designed for extreme snow conditions or large snow accumulation, offering the highest level of power and efficiency.
  1. Auger Minimum Height:
Function: Sets the minimum height of the auger above the ground level.
Description: This feature determines how close the auger comes to the ground. Adjusting the Auger Minimum Height is crucial for preventing damage to the device and ensuring efficient snow removal. Setting an appropriate minimum height avoids unnecessary contact with the ground and potential obstructions. 
  1. Deflector Angle:
Function: Manages the angle of the deflector, which directs the expelled snow.
Description: The Deflector Angle determines the direction in which the snow is thrown. By adjusting this angle, you can control where the cleared snow is deposited. This feature is particularly useful for directing snow away from specific areas or pathways. 
  1. Double Clean:
Function: Enhances cleaning efficiency by instructing Yarbo to make a second pass over specific areas.
Description: The Double Clean feature improves the thoroughness of snow removal by directing Yarbo to revisit designated sections. This can be beneficial in situations where additional cleaning passes are necessary for optimal results, such as in heavy snowfall or stubborn snow conditions. 

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