【Troubleshooting】What Should I Check and Do if Yarbo Loses, or has a Weak or Strong GPS Signal?

【Troubleshooting】What Should I Check and Do if Yarbo Loses, or has a Weak or Strong GPS Signal?

On our app, you will find a network signal indicator and a GPS signal indicator. The network signal indicator represents your internet connection, whether it is through Wi-Fi or a 4G hotspot. The GPS signal indicator represents the stability of your GPS connection. It is important to have a strong GPS signal for Yarbo auto-plan to function properly.

If you observe that the signal is indicated as "lost" or "weak" on the app, try adjusting the RTK antenna to resolve the issue. Additionally, inspect the area around Yarbo to ensure there are no obstructions affecting the signal.

If the issue persists, please contact our customer support for additional assistance.