Why mower always lose the GPS?

Why mower always lose the GPS?

The reason and its solutions:

1.Satellite signals for both RTK and Rover antennas are block by obstructions such as buildings or trees

  • Remove the obstruction or relocate the RTK antenna to an area with a strong GPS signal.
  • Reset the RTK base station process.
  • Swap the antennas on the left and right sides of the Yarbo rover.
  • lf the issue persists, contact us for further assistance.

2.Technical issue with RTK base

  • Check the light indicator of the basestation for any error message. If the indicator light is red, please network for base. If the indicator light is flashing red, try different RTK antenna locations, ensure 120° view of sky.
  • lf the indicator is rapidly flashing red, the RTK antenna may be damaged and please contact us for further assistance.

3.No internet connection or unstable internet connection for RTK base or Yarbo rover

  • Configure the network connection for both the RTK base and Yarbo rover.
  • If the issue persists, contact us for further assistance.

4.Components Malfunction with Yarbo

  • Restart your Yarbo.
  • Check all connections and cables of RTK base to ensure they are securely plugged in and not damaged.
  • Reset Yarbo and reconfigure all the default settings.
  • If the issue persists, contact us for further assistance.

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