[2024] Troubleshooting Guide: Yarbo Recharge Failure

[2024] Troubleshooting Guide: Yarbo Recharge Failure

When you encounter a failure in recharging your Yarbo upon its return to the charging station, consider the following parallel factors that could contribute to the issue:
  1. Location and Positioning:
    1. Ensure that your Yarbo is within the map range. Your Yarbo can only recharge effectively within this specified area you have drawn before.
    2. Confirm that your Yarbo is not positioned directly above the wireless charging pad. When your Yarbo is parked precisely over the pad, it cannot initiate the recharging process. Instead, manual control is required to start the charging sequence.
  2. RTK Signal Quality:
    1. Assess the quality of the RTK signal. A strong and stable signal is crucial for proper operation. If the signal is weak or unstable, consult the relevant diagnostic article for guidance on improving the RTK signal quality.
  3. Positioning Accuracy:
    1. Investigate if your Yarbo stopped incorrectly on the charging station during the recharge attempt. In such cases, flipping over the charging station and check if the cables are connected properly. Capturing detailed photographs can help in diagnosing the issue. Contacting customer service with these visuals will provide them with valuable information to assist further.
  4. Manual Intervention:
    1. As a last resort, manually relocate your Yarbo onto the charging station. Should your Yarbo still fail to recharge, refer to the provided solutions for potential causes and remedies: [2024] What if the Yarbo Fails to Charge Right on the Docking Station?
In case none of these measures resolves the problem, reaching out to customer service remains advisable for professional assistance tailored to your specific situation.